Sunday, October 11, 2015

How To Remove A Hickey: 3 Amazing Techniques To Remove A Hickey Naturally


  1. Thanks for sharing,you really did an amazing job,keep it up.

  2. Ice or Freeze
    Hickey Removal: This works best if you do it as soon as the hickey has been made, but will work up to a few hours later. The ice will freeze the blood vessels, preventing blood from rushing into your hickey, and minimizing the mark.
    Stimulating the area will cause the blood to disperse, and take most of the colour out of the hickey. The outline may remain, though, depending on how severe it is! Do a few five minute sessions of gently rubbing and massaging the area, and it should begin to disappear.
    Take in some Vitamin K
    Find some Vitamin K liquid or cream, often found in Chemists, and rub it into the area several times a day. This is a slower method, but will help you naturally get rid of that hickey.
